
Smallable: Nifty things for nifty kids

Smallable is a French online fashion and design concept store, offering amazing stuff from various designers for stylish kiddos. Ah, leave it to the French to do something like this! My first reaction was, 'Um, can I get that in my size?'
Smallable: Niftly things for nifty kids
If Lula magazine morphed with Anthropologie and started selling stuff for kids, I think this is what is would look like.
Smallable: Niftly things for nifty kids
Smallable: Niftly things for nifty kids
They also have furniture and decorations and other random cool stuff (namely an eco-friendly dollhouse and DIY kits).

Stylish rag dolls (handmade by jess brown):
Smallable: Niftly things for nifty kids
Anyway, this is only the COOLEST PRETTIEST CHILDRENS' STUFF I'VE EVER FOUND! That's all.

And with that, I will leave you with this pretty awesome childrens' room:
Smallable: Niftly things for nifty kids
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