
The Huntington Library

The Hunington Library
The Hunington Library
The Huntington Library
The Hunington Library
The Hunington Library
The Huntington Library
The Huntington Library
The Hunington Library
The Huntington Library
The Hunington Library
The last place my dad and I visited in LA (which was already a month ago! jeepers!) was The Huntington Library. Have any of you been? We had gone before when we were in LA last year, but every time we go, it seems like we can never see the entire museum. There is just so much to see... my dad happily nerded out in the European art wing, while I took pictures. It's so ornate and grandiose, I can't imagine calling a place like this home. It's pretty fun to pretend though ;) Or maybe I'm just as nerdy as my dad. Who knows. There's also a botanical gardens surrounding the museum. Overall, it's bliss.
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