
SF with the pops

SF with the pops
With my mom off jet setting to Florida for one week (visiting her mom), my dad and I spent a rainy afternoon together this past weekend. We walked around Noe Valley and one of my absolute favorite streets, Liberty Street. If I could live on any street in San Francisco, it would probably be this one. The houses are so sweet and cheery.
SF with the pops
SF with the pops
The hill we walked up:
SF with the pops
I don't think you can live in San Francisco and not be fit.
SF with the pops
SF with the pops
We ended the day with eating Peruvian food at this awesome restaurant, Limón. Unfortunately, they didn't have too many vegetarian options (to my dismay only two), but that was okay because their food was crazy good and I could have eaten five orders of the same thing.
SF with the pops
SF with the pops
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