
Take me home where the watermelons grow

You know what's really fun (besides stalking people on facebook, which of course is the best thing to do when you have nothing better to do)? Browsing through peoples' homes on the Flickr. I love peeking into people's bedrooms and seeing how they decorate and their personal style. Which makes me want to pretty up my own room which is so blah right now I haven't done anything with it in a while. I'm *hoping* to try to get some things done I've been pushing off for a while now today, perhaps!
Take me home
Take me home
Umm... pretty white balloons in a pretty white bedroom? Yes please!
Take me home
Take me home
Oh yeah and of course a pretty girl in a pretty room makes the room all the prettier!
Take me home
Those bookshelves and bookshelves of books! Holy moly. What a room. What a room.
Take me home
click on photos for sources-last photo source unknown, please comment if you know.

I can't decide if I like plain and simple (mostly white everything) or lots of florals, lace, and color.

P.S. Title comes from a childhood song I used to sing. Can't remember the name of it though...
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