

Hi there! Sorry for my brief little blogging absence-I was away for a long weekend and just got back yesterday. Also, I am guest blogging on the English Muse, so be sure to stop by!

Here are some of my most recent findings:

I love this project that Joshua Langlais has taken underway. It's called I Heart Strangers and everyday for this past year, Joshua has made it a point to talk to one stranger and get to know them better, as well as take a picture of them so that he can blog it.

ryan . 22 years old / denver . colorado

kay . 39 years old / denver . colorado

jami . 27 years old / denver . colorado

john . 53 years old / denver . colorado

Here's what he has to say about himself:

"hi there. my name is joshua langlais. i've got a thing for people. and i've got another thing for photography. so i am working on ways to combine the two in a worthwhile way...my attempt at loving my neighbors. every single day, i go out into the world and seek out someone i've never before met. i introduce myself and ask them if i can photograph them. i take something valuable away from every encounter and try to pass that along to you. i started this on september 8, 2008, with the intention of doing it for a year, but it looks like i will keep going."

Not only is Joshua doing the I Heart Strangers project, but he just recently started the I Heart People I Know project which involves him trying to make "beautiful photographs of some of the people who are close to" him.

Perry-Elena Segura

Blake Neubert

Caleb Williams

I just think this is the sweetest idea ever. What could be a better way to show close ones that you love them?

*all of the above photos from I Heart Strangers and I Heart People I Know

It's not too often that I get fan mail, but when I do I get really excited and it truly brightens
my day. I think these people are so sweet, their comments just have to be shared, and maybe their kind words will brighten up your day, too!


hey i just came across ur blog while i was looking up some photos by brigitte sire and i cam across ur blog and im mot a blog person but ur's is such a breath of fresh air. it has a certain jene se pa to it, ur pictures and logins are pretty cool, r u and aspiring photographer or writer? well anyways, ur blog is so original but not to in ur face and over the top. it has a certain ease to it I can wear my mismatched rainbow socks with my street close and just browse through all the pretty pictures :) keep it up, im looking forward to more blogs!!!


Micaela, quite by accident (?) I found your lovely site and I must say, it really touched my sad heart. In a world of brutality and harshness, it’s a joy to find a haven of beauty and tenderness in which to spend an hour or so of peace. Do you do public shows? Or have a mailing list? Thank you for the beauty you’ve created. Tom

Also, I received another email from Kristel Wills from Compendium offering a coupon code that all you guys (and me) can use on their website!
The code is:
GYPSY09 and it will be good until August 31, 2009.

I found the sweetest website ever: thankyoutoo.org. It's full of different things to say thank you about to your friends, family, whoever.

I can't wait for the movie Paper Heart. It looks so adorable.

Anyone know when it comes out?

Finally, Jules Smith, the jewelry company known for these vintage charm school jellies:

is having a contest. You have to post on Twitter and Facebook "What inspires you from decades past."

Step 1: Friend the Jules Smith fan page on Facebook and on Twitter at twitter.com/Julessmithjewel

Step 2: Tell Jules Smith about an experience on vacation or a different country that made you think differently about fashion.

Step 3: It's Easy- once you become friends with Jules Smith all you have to do is go Jules Smith Facebook fan page, comment about What looks inspire them from decades past, and then tweet about it on twitter at Julessmithjewel.

What about you? Have you had any recent findings?

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