

Once upon a time, Sheep-Girl sat down to write something special for Puppy-Boy, whom she loved so dearly, the mere thought of him made her belly and heart swell with love and happiness and pure joy.

She thought about what she liked,
What they had shared,
And would share in the future.
About her dreams and hopes.
About silly things.
She wanted to make sure that Puppy-Boy would read and look at her little book and think about her.
She wanted to make his belly and heart swell too.
All photos from end of march's blog. The story is one in a book she wrote. I suggest checking out its adorable cuteness here.

I was tagged by This Wheel's On Fire to write 6 unimportant things about me.
Sooo....here it goes:

1. My friend and I are exactly 6 months apart in age (her birthday is my half birthday and vice versa)
2. I can't stand the taste of real milk, so I drink soy milk
3. I absolutely love fried tofu
4. I have terrible posture (pointed out by my mother numerous occasions)
5. I apparently have uneven shoulders (pointed out by my doctor after taking the scoliosis test)
6. I can't stand pie crust

I will now tag 6 more people:

Also, I received this award from Penpusher:

The people who receive this award have to write 10 honest things about themselves.

1. I am terrified of heights. Even at the mall, I get paralyzed by looking down from even the second story. Oddly enough, I like massive roller coasters that go 20 times higher than the second story of the mall...
2. I am a vegetarian. As of last year (my anniversary is coming up on January 2nd). So far, I've had no trouble giving up meat and fish. I like it a lot, actually. Now, the thought of eating another animal disgusts me.
3. I used to not be afraid of needles when I was younger, but now I am scared of them. When I used to be able to get shots without even cringing, now I find myself gripping the fabric on the seat until my hands are white.
4. I am not afraid to try new things and of change-an inevitable fate I forced myself to embrace. Now, I find myself trying new things I would have never even imagined me doing every day. I admire that quality in me.
5. I often do not exercise fully my intelligence. I know I am capable of much, but often get very lazy. But don't we all?
6. I tend to dream too much instead of listening to reality beckoning me to wake up.
7. I am the most romantic of my friends, however, I talk the least to guys.
8. I want to travel the world and see every city out there to embrace the culture.
9. I like the city better than the country, however I was born and raised in the suburbs.
10. I can't think of a 10th one because I am in a bit of a rush.

I now pass this award on to:
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