

Last night I went to see the movie Australia. It's a beautiful story about loss, pain, love, and redemption and goes far beyond mere romance. I encourage you to watch it; you will love it. If you've already seen it, please share your thoughts.

Nicole Kidman in "Australia."
Nicole Kidman in "Australia."
Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman in "Australia."
Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman in "Australia."
Hugh Jackman as The Drover and Nicole Kidman as Sarah in "Australia."
Nicole Kidman as Sarah and Brandon Walters as Nullah in "Australia."
Nicole Kidman as Sarah and Hugh Jackman as The Drover in "Australia."
Nicole Kidman as Sarah and Brandon Walters as Nullah in "Australia."
Brandon Walters as Nullah in "Australia."

Photos from here.

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