
Waking up, as if from a dream

It's funny how film photos don't look real. I mean they are, but it's as if there's a difference between reality and the lens and they don't quite match up. Nothing seems real. Like waking up, as if from a dream.
Waking up, as if from a dream
Waking up, as if from a dream
Waking up, as if from a dream
Waking up, as if from a dream
(click on photos for sources)

Crafting it up at Renegade

Renegade Craft Fair
My friends, tomorrow I will be at Renegade Craft Fair, checking out all the pretty handmade stuff and catching up with a few bloggy friends. If you are going to be there and want to meet up, let me know :)

Also, tomorrow is the deadline to finish your I HEART Project/upload it to the Flickr group and mail it out to me. If you are unable to finish your I HEART project in time, I cannot extend the deadline, although I will be opening up sign-ups again in a few months, so you can sign up again if you would like.


Hair worth swooning over

My hair needs some sort of intervention. Divine intervention would be nice. I wanted to grow it long, but now that it's long I'm still not satisfied. Part of me wants to chop it all off, part of me wants to grow out my bangs, and then part of me wants to just keep it the same. Same old hair dilemmas, right?

So here's some hair worth swooning over:
Hair worth swooning over
(suzy puzz)
Hair worth swooning over
(source unknown-please comment if you know Rengim Mutevellioglu-thank you, anna!)
Hair worth swooning over
(kitty gallannaugh)
Hair worth swooning over


Bunting is my friend

Gotta love bunting! Why? Because it's cute and pretty, of course! Sound reasoning to like anything in my book ;)
Bunting is my friend
(calamity kim)

And a pretty innovative take on bunting:
Bunting is my friend

Miles of bunting:
Bunting is my friend
Bunting is my friend

I am dying to make a bunting for my room, perhaps for this wall. When I do I'll post some pics :) Do you have bunting anywhere in your home?



Me comprometo a comerme, en público y delante de los periodistas que quieran presenciarlo, las hojas impresas de este artículo, si me falla el pronóstico: Rafael Moreno Valle-Rosas, va a perder las elecciones para gobernador de nuestro Estado, de manera rotunda y estruendosa.

Las razones para afirmarlo, son claras y obvias. El Valle Rosas es un “junior”, de pretensiones aristocráticas, que cree que los poblanos son idiotas y aldeanos. Que es necesario “gobernarlos”, para que se les quite lo “nacos”, lo inculto. Y que cree que, aunque estos no se lo merecen, como una obra de caridad y civilizatoria, él está obligado a gobernarlos. Igual que lo creía Maximiliano de Habsburgo y quienes lo trajeron.

Él, que dice ser una persona culta, se cree suficientemente preparado para gobernar a un pueblo “de indios”. Es licenciado en ciencias políticas egresado de una universidad bastante pinche y además tomó un cursito en una extensión de la universidad de Harvard. Sabe, además, usar una lap top y usa blackberry. Y cree que, con eso, tiene suficiente para gobernar a los nacidos en este pueblo. Igual que el Virrey Carlos Francisco de Croix, en tiempos de la Colonia.

Se sabe “guapo” –guapísimo- y admirado por muchas mujeres, e incluso, por algunos hombres. Y eso, según sus estrategas, constituye un “hándicap” contra su competidos, el candidato del PRI, quien, según esos “ideólogos” y “mercadólogos” a sueldo, es del pueblo. Y, por lo tanto, no tan sofisticado como el Valle Rosas. En su mentalidad, estas solas diferencias físicas deberían ser –deben de ser, dicen ellos- suficientes para darle el triunfo a “Rafita” frente a López Zavala. Se equivocan de cabo a rabo y de la ceca a la Meca. El Valle Rosas, puede ser todo eso que dicen quienes, por dinero, le manejan “su imagen” y “el mismo se cree, pero, con todo y eso, en caso de que lo que se afirma de él, sea cierto, aún así y con eso, va a perder.

Y la razón es simple: el pueblo no es tonto. No se le puede engañar pretendiendo cambiarle oro por espejitos. Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas, hasta que tuvo la malhadada ocurrencia de traerlo al Estado, el ex gobernador Melquiades Morales, nunca había estado en Puebla.

No cursó, aquí, ni el kínder.

No hizo ni la primaria, ni la secundaria, ni la Preparatoria, ni la profesional, en este Estado. Y el pueblo lo sabe. Y eso, aunque esos pseudo “estrategas” del panismo postmoderno, no lo crean, va a ser un factor definitivo en su contra.


- Nació en Atlixco, Puebla el 10 de Marzo de 1959.

- Es licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad de las Américas

Actividades partidistas

Secretario de divulgación ideológica del CDE del PRI (1986)

Miembro de la Comisión Organizadora de la Corriente Crítica (1988 a 1989).

Secretario adjunto a la Presidencia del CDE de Puebla (1988).

Secretario de Capacitación Política del CDE de la CNOP (1990 a 1991).

Presidente de la Comisión Estatal para el Debate Político (1994).

Director General de la Escuela Estatal de Cuadros (1995 a 1996).

Secretario Técnico del Consejo Político Estatal (2006 a la fecha).

Miembro del Consejo Político Nacional de 2006 a la fecha.

Actividades políticas y laborales

Director General de Prestaciones Sociales del Gobierno del Estado de Puebla (1987 a 1989).

Director de Análisis, CISEN (1992 a 1994).

Contralor Interno, Liconsa-PAS (1995 a 1997).

Director de Análisis de la Coordinación General de Política Social Sedesol (1997 a 1998).

Director Administrativo de la SEP de Puebla (1999 a 2001).

Secretario Técnico de Coespo (2001 a la fecha).

La pregunta obligada ¿Cuándo y dónde va a comerse las hojas impresas de su artículo el vocero oficial del marinismo con su zavalismo acendrado?

¿El triunfalismo y soberbia del PRI contagió a todos los políticos y servidores públicos que no entendieron el asco que emana el actual gobierno para los poblanos?

¿Ahora de qué va a vivir el vocero Hernández y Genis?

Para terminar ¿tiene palabra de honor o le vale a Hernández y Genis prometer lo que sabe que nunca va cumplir?

Garden girl

I've never been much of a gardener, but that doesn't mean I can't like garden pictures, right?

Garden girl
(source unknown-please comment if you know)

And how amazing is this little cottage?!
Garden girl
(light locations via sfgirlbybay)
Garden girl

Also, the winner of the Shaina Mote giveaway is comment #24, Sharon of elegant creeper. Please email me your postal address and size so your prize can be shipped out to you :)

Ate ice cream in a desert dream

Ate ice cream in a desert dream

I discovered this little behind-the-scenes video from Mike Bailey-Gates a few weeks ago. Isn't it great?! It's one thing to see the final image, product, or whatever, but something totally different to see the process that went into producing it. I am dying to experiment with more conceptual photoshoots + more props + a more eerie and dark mood, but still romantic. My friend has a fog machine and she's going to let me borrow it and I want to do something with sort of a big set and more of a concept behind it other than, "Oh! A pretty girl in a pretty flower field!", although I'll always have a soft spot for that. And then maybe do the photoshoot in a garage or basement...? Ha, my brain never stops.

(title from lemonade by cocorosie.)


Butterfly kisses part two

Two Saturdays ago I did a photoshoot with Lindsey, a model from Chicago who was visiting San Francisco for the week. Last week I blogged part one of the shoot, so here is part two. I'm doing something I don't normally do this time-blogging the photos I don't like as much. Usually, I am very selective when I edit down to the photos I like the best, but when I was working on a photo I didn't like, my mom walked by and said, "Oh, I really like that one." And I was like "Really?! This?!" So I suppose your favorites might not be mine and vice versa so here we go:
Butterfly kisses
Butterfly kisses
Butterfly kisses
Butterfly kisses
Butterfly kisses
Butterfly kisses
Butterfly kisses


Hola amigas, os doy las gracias por seguir visitandome.Estos meses de verano me he tomado un pequeño descanso, espero que lo entendaís.Nos veremos de nuevo en septiembre, ya os pondré lo que poco a poco voy haciendo apesar de que paramos poco en casa, hay que aprovechar los dias de calor que luego el invierno es muy duro.Un beso a todas y que paseis buen verano.


Qui qu'a vu Coco

Qui qu'a vu Coco
(coco rocha, photographed by candace meyer for hobo magazine.)

Ahhhh Coco, why must you be so gorgeous?!!

PS. Title means 'have you seen Coco?' which is the song that gave Chanel her nickname Coco. Doesn't have much to do with this post, other than they both have the same first names + are icons of fashion industry, except Chanel is of a totally different status but you know what I mean, I guess.

Anyway, Coco Rocha is probably one of my favorite models ever. That's all.

Summer daydreams

Summer daydreams
Summer daydreams
Summer daydreams
This one was straight out of camera, but shot through a red and silver fan. How clever!

(Photos by Lauren Withrow)

I love Lauren Withrow's latest work. It is a lot more fashion-y and I don't know why, but I'm really drawn to these types of photos as of late. You know when you don't know what to say? Well, that's how I feel right now. That's how I feel a lot of times. Inspiration seems to hit me at the most inconvenient times, but when I want it to come to me, I am left with nothing. It's quite a frustrating feeling! Where was I? Oh yeah, so I don't really know what to say so I guess I'll let the photos speak for themselves. After all, a picture says a thousand words, right?


GIVEAWAY: Shaina Mote

Shaina Mote giveaway
Today's giveaway comes from Shaina Mote. You may remember her from my posts about her Spring Summer 2010 and Fall Winter 2010 collections. Well, she is amazing to say the least!

This time she is giving away the Pyramid Bustier from her SS10 collection available in sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, and other sizes upon request.

  • Leave a comment on this post.
  • Get an extra entry if you tweet about the giveaway. Be sure to leave a 2nd comment saying you tweeted.

  • **Open to all readers, international included**

    I will draw a winner Tuesday, July 27th via random.org.

    (tape strip via pugly pixel)


    Stop motion lovin'

    I'm always in awe at stop motions-so much time and energy put into producing a few minutes of a movie. I've always wanted to make one, but I just don't think I have the patience!

    This one from Igor + André is one of my favorites:

    Apparently he was trying to match his drawings with the music to create a nice flow, which meant he had to draw a line and then stop to take a picture for the entire video-WOW! I wonder how many photos he took... any guesses?


    Bonpoint: French children's boutique


    Leave it to the French to create such a sophisticated children's boutique. I am in love with their clothes, the photography, everything. And because they're kids, it makes it 100% cuter.

    You can look at their fashion shows for fall 2009 and spring 2010 here and here. So adorable watching those little girls and boys walk down the runway!

    Life as it comes

    Life as it comes
    (by emma hope)

    I stumbled upon this last week via the cons of being a wallflower and thought it was so clever and true. I'd like to think I'm one of the people 'looking at the stars.' ;)


    Butterfly kisses

    On Saturday, I had a photoshoot with Lindsey, a model from Chicago who was visiting San Francisco last week. We headed out to a trail on the coast and stumbled upon the most delightful flower field.
    Butterfly kisses
    Unfortunately, the shoot in the flower field was short-lived because I walked into a bee's nest in the ground and got stung five times! Ouch!
    Butterfly kisses
    Lindsey brought this amazingly cute butterfly hairpin that matched perfectly with the mood of the shoot.
    Butterfly kisses
    And despite the unfortunate bee encounter, I really like how the photos came out. Lindsey has a very unique, romantic look that I am so in love with. asdjfaksjda;klj.


    Dreams lost in time

    Polaroids = looooove. The quality is so distinctive, so dreamy, so beautiful. They feel like dreams lost in time.
    I once saw a polaroid camera for $10 at a thrift store but I didn't buy it for whatever reason and I've never seen one since :(
    Dreams lost in time
    Dreams lost in time
    Adding lace to polaroids is the best idea ever:
    Dreams lost in time
    Dreams lost in time
    click on photos for sources.


    Paint it white

    What is it about the little white dress that makes it so stinkin' cute? Aya, of Strawberry Koi wrote about the little white dress a while back too, and I just couldn't resist. I am completely enamored.
    Paint it white
    (pixie pix)
    Paint it white
    (do you miss me too)

    Oh and this dress needs to get in my life. Like right now:
    Paint it white
    (blooming leopold: left, right)

    I have a few white dresses, but I hardly ever wear them because I'm afraid I'll spill something on them, which is pretty lame, I guess. But seeing these girls pulling off the look so well makes me want to wear mine too :)


    Bittersweet sunshines

    Bittersweet sunshines
    Bittersweet sunshines
    click on photos for sources.

    Pretty clothes look so pretty in pretty lighting. Le sigh.

    I still want to hang a pretty dress on my wall, but I need to find a pretty hanger to hang it on first.

    Sorry for the short post, my Internet's been wacky this morning.

    (title by seaembraces)


    Beyond the sea

    On Wednesday, I did another photoshoot with Hanna. Last time we didn't get to spend too long, so I wanted to do a part two of the shoot-same location, same time, etc. This time she brought this ridiculously cute skirt and I brought the lace top for her to wear.

    I was so stressed out that it wasn't sunset-y like the time before. With San Francisco weather, you never know if it'll be foggy/misty/cloudy (which it is 90% of the time) or sunny. And the weather was foggy, even though the forecast said it would be sunny.

    Even so, I think the shots came out nice. Let me know what you think as this isn't my usual style!
    Beyond the sea
    Beyond the sea
    Beyond the sea
    Beyond the sea
    It was a good chance for me to experiment with something other than glowy/backlit lighting. One of my goals is to be more versatile, so this was the perfect opportunity.

    I am going to be shooting with Hanna so much more this summer, she is the perfect model :) I couldn't be happier to have found her.
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