Oswald Smith já dizia que “a morte de Jesus é tão essencial para a fé cristã que se você pregar a Bíblia, mas não chegar na cruz, você ainda.
So today is the big day!
What big day, you ask? And with good reason because I haven't told you yet! I'm doing a photoshoot with the lovely model who emailed me about doing a photoshoot together and then a series of strange but fun coincidences occurred (which you can read about here). SO this is the first time I'm working with a make-up artist/hairstylist which is pretty cool and nerve-wracking, but it'll be fun (i think)! I'm so nervous and anxious because I get nervous and anxious about most things. But nothing went wrong planning this shoot, so nothing will go wrong executing it, I hope.
Anywhoodle here's some comfy coziness for you because I've stumbled across a few cozy looking pictures recently and decided to do a post on it. It's photos like these that make me want to crawl in bed and go back to sleep. Or else read in bed. Or drink hot chocolate. Or all of the above :) That kind of describes my state of being these past few weeks ;)
Oh and here's a pretty video just for the sake of it:
(click on photos for sources. double click on video for source).