First off: a bit of news: If you read yesterday's post, you know I had a photoshoot scheduled yesterday. Unfortunately, the makeup artist was sick, so the shoot was postponed. But the model and I figured, 'Hey, we're still available! Let's do a mini/casual shoot on our own!' So off we went to the very cold beach in San Francisco. I'm actually glad things worked out this way because I was able to treat this like a trial shoot-make sure all the props looked good, lighting was good at that time, etc. and change anything that needed changing before the bigger shoot.
The shoot didn't last long because it was so cold, but it was nice getting to know the model, who is super sweet. I shot both b&w film and digital, so I'm going to develop the film today-I hope it came out good! For now, here are some digital shots:
model: hanna @ diva models
P.S. I'm taking off tomorrow to enjoy the long weekend we have here in the US. See you all here on Monday :)