Soo... yesterday I started my art classes at Academy of Art University in San Francisco. They offer a pre-college summer art experience course to all high school students. People (mostly young hipster folk, along with a few well-dressed nerds) come from all over the world to attend, which is pretty cool. Yesterday I had my fashion construction class which is really just a fancy title for sewing. And it's very hard to say the least. Alas, I'm behind the rest of the class already :( All those measurements! All those numbers! But I'm determined to stick it out.
...And today I have my graphic design class. I'm excited about this class in particular because this is what I'm really interested in (or so i think. we'll see after i'm done with the class!) And who knows, maybe there are some photogenic girls that wouldn't mind having their picture taken!
Well I'm off to make some smoke bombs, ya know, totally normal, right? Nothin weird going on here. Just mixing some potassium nitrate and sugar together/cooking it to make a chemical reaction ;)
What are you up to today?
(random roundup of photos i like. click on photos for sources)