(source unknown-please comment if you know)
When I was little, I wanted a baby deer. Still do, in fact ;) Such elegant creatures, aren't they? On my trip to Lake Tahoe, we hiked and went sightseeing and saw old buildings and such, but you know what I took the most pictures of? Deer. Yep, deer: something that we have plenty of at home, but yet that was the most exciting part of my trip. Nothing is more awe-inspiring than hiking for hours, then seeing a deer in your path. Unfortunately, the deer were too quick for my camera to get good shots (and the shots i did get of them, i forgot the camera was on manual focus, so they all came out blurry. boo. don't you hate when that happens?) So here's to deer and photos of deer I only wish I took:
(mike bailey-gates) Ahhh Mike how did you get so close up?!!!
Gorgeous Audrey with her pet deer:
(source unknown. please comment if you know) this may or may not have anything to do with me wanting a pet deer ;)