Les outfit details:
Cardigan sweater: Hand-me-down from Grandma
Dress: Vintage, from Blooming Leopold
Coach satchel: Vintage, thrifted (from this thrifting trip)
Sunglasses (in my hand): Ray Ban
Shoes: Steve Madden
You can see the full outfit HERE.
We walked around Haight-Ashbury for a little bit, then headed over to Thorough Bread and Pastry for some pastry treats.
(my french macaroons!)
We hit up a few thrift stores too, but didn't find anything good. There was this cute polka dot dress I loved, but when I tried it on, it didn't fit right at all :(
I hope soon to go back to those thrift stores and give them more of a thorough searching.
I had in mind to photograph some strangers, but totally chickened out. I think it's best to do that kind of thing when you're on the bus/train/waiting somewhere/etc. when people aren't rushing off to wherever they're going. There was this adorable little girl who looked like a Margot at the fashion show, but the lighting was kinda dark and bad and I was afraid my camera would have trouble focusing in the bad lighting (excuses, excuses!), so I didn't ask to take her picture. I'm kind of disappointed that I let that opportunity pass by, but oh well. And btw, thanks for all the tips on taking pictures of strangers! I will definitely put these into practice :)
How was your weekend?
P.S. This was my first ever outfit post! Shall we have a celebration of some sorts? Or maybe I should ask do you even like the outfit posts?