Oswald Smith já dizia que “a morte de Jesus é tão essencial para a fé cristã que se você pregar a Bíblia, mas não chegar na cruz, você ainda.
You are lovely, oh yes you are!
photo by me.
I love abandoned houses. Don't you? I love chipped paint, crooked shudders, and sagging roofs. I took this picture of this abandoned house near where I live a couple of months ago. They recently knocked it down (sad!) because I guess the neighbors voted to have it torn down. Now it's just a lonely empty lot of land.
photo by fadedfilmstrips.
On a totally different note, check out my friend Mila's (of Loveology) lovely new blog layout! Mila and Liss of Daydream Lily did the html coding modifications, I did the header design (using Ana Laura Perez's illustration), and Danni of oh, hello friend did the side bar header and footer designs. I love it when a bunch of bloggers all pitch in on designing one layout-they all seem to add a bit of their own style.