src: ashleyg (found via sfgirlbybay)
Guess what? I'll let you in on a little secret: I don't know how to thrift. I know, I know ooohh, the horror because I talk about how much I love vintage things all the time.
I know there's no official formula to thrifting (or op shopping as others call it), you just have to periodically check the stores and be willing to dig until you find something you like. I just feel so awkward in thrift shops... there is usually no one else in the store but me and I feel like the cashier is always watching me (which I know the cashier probably couldn't care less what I do as long as I don't shoplift). So I always end up leaving before I can find something I like.
I wish I could get all kinds of good deals and dress so thift-y chic-y like these lovely ladies:
(one, two, three & four)
But I made a goal for myself to buy more thrift and dress more lookbook worthy so I am determined to achieve my thrifting endeavors.
Do you, my dear readers have any tips for scoring good deals at thrift shops? Or any particular thrift shops you find very good? For those who live in the San Francisco Bay Area, what thrift stores do you like?