(lona found via reality escapes her.)
Don't you just love these photos? Everything looks like it came out of a childrens' book (did you notice the view from the window of the second photo?!) The photos are of the Netherlands-oh how I desperately want to go there! Air fare is just too expensive :(
So for now I'll just have to travel vicariously through her Flickr photostream.
I know a husband & wife who temporarily moved to Amsterdam for six months because of the husband's job (I should have hid in their luggage!)
I stumbled upon a pretty pretty little cottage house with a field of poppies in the front yard while out walking last week. I'm seriously considering taking pictures of it, but then I'm afraid the owners will be home and see me and be upset. Wouldn't be the first time I got yelled at for taking pictures of other peoples' stuff, though!