
Monday Mosaics

Monday Mosaics
Monday Mosaics

All photos + words via Aimee Ketsdever.

If you've jumped on the Monday Mosaics bandwagon, please comment so I can take a look at yours :)
And if you haven't yet, feel free to join in the fun!



Click on photos for source. Second to last photo by me.

Happy Friday, everyone :)


Aquí esta el amigo,la verdad no se como los hago, pues el niño mucha ilusión.. pero luego ni caso que le hace, he decidido ponerlos de adorno.El patron me lo facilito mi amiga Elena.
Siguiendo la politica de mi blog toda aquella que este interesada en el patron no tiene mas que decirmelo y yo os pondre en contacto con ella, que gustosamente os lo cedera.Un saludo a todas.


I HEART: An inspiration project

Blogged 11/26/09

Click on photo for source

First of all thank you SO MUCH for the happy anniversary wishes :)
I really appreciate it!

Now, for the exciting project I hinted at yesterday. Remember this post about inspiration notebooks?

Well, I've decided to start a project using an inspiration notebook called I HEART. Everyone who chooses to participate may claim two pages (double page spread), as shown below:

Moleskine Inspiration Notebook
Inspiration Notebook

The object is to fill the pages with whatever is inspiring you at the moment (pictures and words alike), then pass it on to the next person and so on, so that the notebook slowly makes its way around the world.
^^Slightly tweaked this to make this more time efficient. Stay tuned for the update :)

If you are interested in being a part of this project, please comment (or email me!) providing me with your name and city/country so that I can put the together a list.

Sign-ups are now closed.


One-year blogging anniversary!

Ella May

Click on photo for source

Well, my lovelies, today marks the day in which exactly a year ago, I wrote my first blog post. Crazy to think it's been a whole year since I started this bloggity blog. It's hard to remember what I did on the computer before blogging!

I'm so happy to have broken 1,000 followers via Google and 2,000 via RSS before my one-year blogging anniversary. So here's to you, my dear readers and followers, for this blog wouldn't exist without you!

Today is the day to make yourself known to me if you have been reading The Drifter and the Gypsy. Please comment so I know who you are!

Don't forget to follow The Drifter and the Gypsy via Google (on the sidebar), Bloglovin', RSS, Facebook, and Twitter!

...And finally, thank you to my lovely sponsors who support The Drifter and the Gypsy. Please take the time to stop by their sites. Remember that December ad spots are now open to reserve, so if you're interested, please email me for ad rates: thedrifterandthegypsy@yahoo.com.

Let's make year two even better than the first!

*Tomorrow is another very special post. It's a project to celebrate my one-year blogging anniversary and I know you'll love it. That's all I'll say ;)



Kreativ Blogger Award A Present For Your Blog Award
Okay, so this is long overdue, but I have received two awards-one from Quenchant of the Curious and the other from Dream Chymecindy.

Seven random facts for the Kreativ Blogger Award:
  • I am a vegetarian and love it
  • I spend SO MUCH time blogging and coming up with things to blog-maybe too much time ;)
  • I drink copious amounts of green tea
  • I've recently started drawing again-mainly because I needed something to distract me from the computer!
  • I loooove old movies. So if you have any suggestions, please comment ;)
  • I wish I could see more of the world
  • I hate the way the word blog sounds

  • Passing this on to:

    ...And the second one on to:

    Tomorrow is a very special post, so stay tuned :-)


    Galaxie Andrews

    Galaxie Andrews
    Galaxie Andrews
    Galaxie Andrews
    Galaxie Andrews
    I am loving these fashion shots by Galaxie Andrews for Ouma Clothing.

    Would you guys like to see more fashion editorials on this blog? Or more of this type of stuff? Or something totally different?
    Feedback, please :)


    All these things that I've done

    All these things that I've done
    All these things that I've done
    All these things that I've done

    Click on photos for source.

    Advertise on The Drifter and the Gypsy

    Advertise on The Drifter and the Gypsy
    The Drifter and the Gypsy is a visual inspiration blog that averages 52,000+ page views each month and continues to grow. It is targeted to those who inspire and like to be inspired. They visit to look at pretty things.

    Slots for the month of December are now open to reserve.

    If interested in advertising, please email me at:
    I look forward to being in contact with you!

    {Photos via sea shanties, Emily Hunt, and unknown}


    Mi hija, como apasionada a todo lo que concierne a hello kitty, esta vez nos ha tocado un cuadro a punto de cruz.Lleva poquitos colores e incluso estuve a punto de cambiar alguno pero al final se quedo tal cual.Un saludo


    Kristy Campbell

    Kristy Campbell
    Kristy Campbell
    Kristy Campbell
    Kristy Campbell

    I am in love with the simplicity and muted tones of Kristy Campbell's photographs. She also has a blog.

    I can't decide whether I like this type of photography better or more fashion-y editorials. What do you think?


    Wake up ( go to sleep )

    Blogged 11/16/09
    Blogged 11/16/09
    Blogged 11/16/09
    Photos via gatitodelsol, dustin condren, wet behind the ears (note: cannot seem to find the original source of this picture, please comment if you know), and ghostlings.

    I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.


    Once we hid in a garden...

    Blogged 11/13/09
    Blogged 11/13/09
    Blogged 11/13/09
    Blogged 11/13/09
    Click on photos for source.


    Este verano me fui entrenteniendo en ir poniendo cositas en mi casa,la visito poco a pesar de estar muy cerca.Este tapete lo he hecho para la habitacion de mi hija.


    Do you keep an inspiration notebook?

    Moleskine Inspiration Notebook
    Moleskine Inspiration Notebook
    Moleskine Inspiration Notebook
    Moleskine Inspiration Notebook
    Click on photos for source. I found these lovelies on Thumbelina's flickr.

    Do you keep an inspiration notebook?


    Oh, happy day

    Blogged 11/10/09
    Blogged 11/10/09
    Blogged 11/10/09
    Blogged 11/10/09
    Click on photos for source. Last photo's source is unknown. Please comment if you know the original photographer.
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