Lady of Silence
from the winsome cage of
thy body
through the sensible
quick bird
(tenderly upon
the dark's prodigious face
scattering perfume-gifted
suddenly escorts
with feet
the smarting beauty of dawn)
Words by E.E. Cummings
I am currently in love with Cari Ann Wayman's photography. I've always loved her, but this most recent photoshoot has me loving her even more now:

And I am also even more jealous of her room:

I've been in a very romantic mood lately. Not that I'm not romantic all the time, it's just...I don't know...I guess I just feel more romance building up inside of me. I can't control it anymore, and my heart is constantly throbbing. Do you ever feel that way?
I found the most adorable engagement photos:

Don't they make the absolute sweetest couple? I love the 'old world' charm to it. It's like a little fairytale.
Photography shot by Punam Bean. Check out her website. It's amazing. You can also check out her blog where you can see more of these lovelies.
Via Decor Amor via Snippet and Ink
Also, I've finally jumped aboard the Bloglovin' waggon. I am proud to say you can now follow my blog with Bloglovin'
Also, as you all have probably noticed, I've changed the song on here. Some people have said in the comments that they liked the other song better, so I wanted to take a vote on which song you guys like better. I'm really not sure and I will decide purely on what the majority says, so leave a comment and vote!
Chloe from Heart Shaped Morning asked a good question in her comment in the last post. As you all probably know, I am in the midst of gathering my blog together in the hopes of maybe sometime soon trying to get it published. If you do not know about this, please refer back to this post in the last paragraph. Anyway, her question was if I was going to include interviews in the book. And I guess I never thought of that...should I? I don't want to spoil anything, but I do have some more interviews lined up with photographers, so I think it would be quite doable, but I'm not sure if I should or not. What do YOU think?
I'm not quite sure if this is my best post. I'm feeling pretty uninspired took forever to do this post (not that it never takes a long time) because I really didn't know what to write. I had to force myself to find nice photos and a lovely poem. And it seemed like all the photos I went through, I didn't like enough. Maybe I'm getting too picky, too selective. I almost didn't post today because I didn't like this post that much, but then I decided to do it anyway as a reminder to you guys that yes, I am still alive, and no, I haven't fallen off the surface of the earth. Is it possible to get tired of your own blog? Do you reach a point where the beautiful photographs and words aren't inspiring to you anymore?