
and it makes me wonder.

Sometimes I wonder if anything is certain, concrete anymore.

Is there still right and wrong?

Good and bad? Truth and lies?

Is everything still either black and white?

Or is everything somewhere in the middle, in gray?

Is everything negotiable, flexible, left to our interpretation?

Sometimes we're forced to bend the truth, transform it, because we're faced with things that we did not choose to happen.

And sometimes they simply catch up to us.

And it makes me wonder if this is right.

If anything is ethical in our day.

If what we feel is right really is.

And if we are forced to do what we think is wrong, should we do it anyway or reap the consequences that come with refusal to go along with the way life pushes us?

But of one thing I am certain: that truth is still absolute.

It may, in fact be the only sure thing left.

Even when that truth is harsh, unforgiving, painful to imagine, even when truth is more hurtful than any lie.

All photos from here.

What do you think, my dears? Is there really good and bad, right and wrong? Or is it just mixed together and upon us to decide for ourselves? Does the end really justify the means?

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