
le love.

align: leahcreates: tuesdayslove:   trapeze:page 9. (via (kerry))

(via overflowing)letterboxlove: kazzi:outlaws: (via suzywire & redballoon)   belowutopia: justlia: via CC

"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be happy, one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness."
~Woody Allen

(via overflowing)overflowing: isthisblood: redballoon:   (via audreyhepburncomplex)align: icanread: (via forgotten-thoughts)

"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close."
~One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

pieces:   lickystickypicky:  snowblind:  isthisblood:pretty-bird
"I love how your eyes close, whenever you kiss me. And when I'm away from you, I love how you miss me. I love the way your kiss is always heavenly but darling, most of all I love how you love me. I love how your heart beats, whenever I hold you. I love how you think of me without being told to. I love the way your touch is always tenderly, but darling, most of all I love how you love me."
~Phil Spector

unicornology: (via samsally)

"There's a little truth behind every 'just kidding,' a little curiosity behind every 'just wondering,' a little knowledge behind every 'I don't know,' a little emotion behind every 'I don't care,' and a little kick of lie behind the distant eyes of someone saying 'I don't love you.'"

Photos from Le Love, an adorable little blog I just discovered via Daydream Lily. Loveology, and people's Etsy shops are where the rest are from. Gosh. Now my heart feels all warm and fuzzy after looking at all these sweet romantic photos.

I received an award (yay!) from Sam, one of my all time style icons and inspiration for those I-don't-know-what-to-wear-days.

It's certainly one of the cutest ones I've ever received. I'm going to pass this on to:

Light and Writing, a beautiful blog I just discovered and fully suggest you check out.

Here Come the Sun, another beautiful blog I just discovered.

Isabella, owner of such an adorable little blog, which has quickly become one of my daily blog stops.

Zoe and Jessica, who recently bid farewell to their old blog, Sick, and created their own separate blogs, another one of my daily blog stops.

I also have gotten tagged by Chloe to do an awesome tag she made up:

Q: Describe your personal style.
A: Layers, layers, and layers, with a girly touch. Think Free People.

Q: What are the staples in your wardrobe?
A: Hmmm...all my blazers because they look so good with no matter what you have on. Whenever I don't know what shirt to wear, I put on an ugly shirt and a blazer and the blazer hides my shirt. Oh yes.

Q: What's your signature look?
A: I don't really have a signature look because my style changes so often. I guess I wear blazers paired with skinny jeans and flats a lot because it's so comfy.

Q: What inspires you?
A: Beautiful photos and words (hence why I started this blog).

Q: Who is your fashion muse?
A: MK Olsen, Coco Rocha, Cory Kennedy (although I'd never wear anything like that-I am in awe of the fact that she actually has the guts to wear what she wears and people admire her for that)...there's more, but I just can't think of them now.

Q: Favorite purchase of all time?
A: This awesome vintage mini dress with a peter pan collar and two pockets on the sides. I bought a cotton red sash/belt-esque thing from AA and use it to tie in a bow around my peter pan collar and I've gotten lots of compliments on it.

Q: Biggest splurge?
A: A Burberry trench coat which I don't regret splurging on-I wear it all the time.

Q: What's your beauty routine?
A: Well...it depends on how much time I have to get ready. I usually just swipe on some dark blue or light brown eyeliner, a couple coats of mascara, and a few dustings of blush.

Q: What jewelry do you never take off?
A: I don't never take off any particular jewelry I own, but I do wear this silver Tiffany ring I got a couple of years ago quite often.

Q: What are you wishing for?
A: Oh gosh...I honestly don't know. Money to go shopping? I guess?

Q: What are your obsessions?
A: Long, flowy tunic tops with skinny jeans and lots of layers.

I tag...EVERYBODY!!!

To wrap up this really long post, I've been thinking of making moleskine notebooks like this...

my tired heart. by (kerry).

if only i had eight arms to hold you with. by (kerry).

my heart is in this. by (kerry).

reason #592173 by (kerry).

i need to see those eyes. by (kerry).

my moleskine is getting full! by (kerry).

...and then selling them on Etsy. I was wondering if you think anyone would buy something like this. I need your opinion: should I start making them to sell, or not?
~Photos from here.

Well...that's all for now folks. Happy Saturday!


Empiezo mi Educación Inicial

Con el fin de estimular su desarrollo y aprendizaje, así como también de aprovechar toda la energía que posee mi peque, desde ayer está recibiendo clases de educación inicial a domicilio con una maestra parvularia muy carismática con la cual se conectó enseguida e incluso lloró cuando se fue. Es que la pasó muy bien con ella, pues lo hizo jugar, le enseñó los colores ayudada de todos los juguetitos que trajo, le cantó para estimularlo a hablar ya que Mateo anda un poco vaguito para esto, con poco resultado puesto que el nene se puso a bailar con sus canciones. Sin embargo me indicó que hay que tener paciencia, pues ciertos niños demoran en hablar por varios factores y me acosejó que la forma de estimularlo es no hacerle caso hasta que hable para decir lo que desea (si vieran cómo se enoja cuando le hago esto...). Además destacó la importancia de estar rodeado por otros niños ya que así también se lo incentiva a comunicarse, por lo que estamos pensando en inscribirlo en la guardería después de que cumpla los 2 años, y eso le cae muy bien porque él disfruta jugando con otros niños, especialmente de su edad o mayores pues los pequeñitos no le llaman la atención. Así que iremos poco a poco, la próxima semana continúan las clases con la maestra.

Estos son algunos ejercicios de estimulación recomendados para niños en la edad de Mateo (18 a 24 meses):
  • Hágale escuchar distintos tipos de música e incentívelo a bailar con las melodías.
  • Muéstrele diferentes colores para que aprenda a diferenciarlos.
  • Trate que se vista y desvista solo. O por lo menos que intente sacarse algunas prendas. Para ello, deje que el niño vea cómo usted se viste y también la forma en que se peina y se lava los dientes, por ejemplo.
  • Enséñele a comer con cuchara.
  • Enséñele a través del juego a ordenar sus cosas y juguetes.
  • Déjelo caminar sin zapatos sobre diferentes superficies, para que sienta sus texturas y temperaturas. Y si es verano, deje que juegue con agua.
  • Ya a los dos años, los padres deben proporcionarle al niño la mayor cantidad posible de oportunidades de aprendizaje. Para ello es recomendable que el niño salga de casa y se encuentre con la naturaleza y con los animales.
  • También es positivo fomentar la relación con sus tíos, abuelos y primos, así como también con pequeñitos de su edad.
  • Para estimular el desarrollo del lenguaje, léale cuentos simples en los cuales vea los dibujos.
  • Incentívelo a que pida las cosas por su nombre y no le pase objetos si sólo los indica con el dedo. Nómbrele los objetos y haga que escuche música para niños de su edad, ya que generalmente refuerzan el lenguaje y los incentivan a repetir las palabras.


mr darcy.

"Occupied in observing Mr. Bingley's attentions to her sister, Elizabeth was far from suspecting that she was herself becoming an object of some interest in the eyes of his friend.
Mr. Darcy had at first scarcely allowed her to be pretty;

he had looked at her without admiration at the ball;

and when they next met, he looked at her only to criticize.

But no sooner had he made it clear to himself and his friends that she hardly had a good feature in her face, than he began to find it was rendered uncommonly intelligent by the beautiful expression of her dark eyes.

To this discovery succeeded some others equally mortifying.
Though he had detected with a critical eye more than one failure of perfect symmetry in her form, he was forced to acknowledge her figure to be light and pleasing;

and in spite of his asserting that her manners were not those of the fashionable world, he was caught by their easy playfulness.

Of this she was perfectly unaware; to her he was only the man who made himself agreeable, nowhere, and who had not thought her handsome enough to dance with."
5north:  (via acceptable)

~Excerpt from Pride and Prejudice
~Photos from the amazingly breathtakingly talented Eleanor Hardwick (can you believe she's only 15? I about had a heart attack when I found out! What talent amongst youth there is today!), except for the first one, which is from Wild Keiki, (but come to think of it actually looks like the bow and the same type of style on the girl touching the fence thing in Eleanor's photo, 6 photos down, so it might actually be from Eleanor, too, if that sentence made any sense at all) and the last one, which is from Eleanor's tumblr, Ghost Parties.


Feliz aniversario Mamá de alta demanda!

Nuestra querida amiga Any está de fiesta ya que se encuentra celebrando el primer aniversario de su blog: Mamá de alta demanda, un espacio que recomiendo a todas las mamis pues es muy lindo; desde allí nos comparte su experiencia como madre, permitiéndonos conocer de ella y Héctor Luis, su bello hijito, lo que le agradecemos mucho. Nuestro blog se une a este festejo y le deseamos muchísimos éxitos.

¡Feliz Aniversario!


Una la azul es de punto peruano:http://www.artelabores.com/
La futsia de punto ingles.


Inseparable de mi hijo,echo a ojo.Más feo que picio.


the perks of being a wallflower.

"I walked over to the hill where we used to go and sled.
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There were a lot of little kids there.

I watched them flying.

Doing jumps and having races.

And I thought that all those little kids are going to grow up someday.

And all of those little kids are going to do the things that we do.

And they will all kiss someone someday.

But for now, sledding is enough.

I think it would be great if sledding were always enough, but it isnt...

It's kind of like when you look at yourself in the mirror and say your name.

And it gets to a point where none of it seems real.

Well, sometimes, I can do that, but I don't need an hour in front of a mirror.

It just happens very fast, and things start to slip away.

And I just open my eyes, and I see nothing.

And then I start to breathe really hard trying to see something, but I can't.

It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, it scares me."

Words from The Perks of Being a Wallflower, one of my favorite books.
Photos from where else other than weheartit.

Alas, I have been tagged and given an award by fellow blogger Lauren. This is the honesty scrap award in which you have to write 10 honest things about yourself and pass it on to at least 7 other deserving bloggers.
10 honest things about myself:

1. I am a dreamer who loves dreamy things (ha how profound was that?).
2. I never use abbreviations and other shortcuts when writing emails or texting.
3. I can spend anywhere from 10 minutes to over an hour getting ready.
4. I am guilty of taking extremely long showers.
5. I wish my hair was longer.
6. When its a really cold night, I sleep with my bathrobe on.
7. I am currently in a love affair with French Onion Soup.
8. I put vaseline on my feet and ski socks every night before I go to bed so that my feet are nice and soft (who wants cracked heels?)
9. I was a little skeptical about blogging at first, but now that people are actually reading my blog, I like it a lot.
10. I listen to my iPod while putting on my makeup or straightening my hair. It makes the time go by faster.

I'm going to tag:
The Stylish Wanderer (since she's started doing some tags now)

Hope you all had a fun and laugher-filled weekend.

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