Mom and I took these photos during the golden hour of one of my favorite neighborhoods, Rockridge. It houses just about theeee sweetest, cheeriest storybook homes you can ever imagine. Every time I visit this area, I love it even more. I'd love to live here, but then I think it would somehow spoil its specialness because then it wouldn't be such a treat to visit, you know? Plus it's kind of nice not knowing anyone in the area when you take blog pictures. Cause it would be kinda weird taking pictures in front of your neighbor's house. Whereas taking pictures in front of strangers' houses? Well that's my forte ;)
When I saw this dress at Ruche, I about had a heart attack, or something like that. You know the saying, "You had me at hello?" Well this dress had me at its collar. If that makes any sense. Hopefully you know what I mean. Anyway. This dress is pretty versatile because it lends itself to layering, which is key when it's a wee bit too chilly for short sleeves.
You can't really tell, but while we were taking blog pictures, a cat came up to the gate behind us. I really hoped he'd come closer so we could take pictures of him, but he ran away.
marian faye print dress c/o ruche, sweater is from ann taylor, tights are from hue, and shoes are rachel comey.