Firstly, wouldn't any of these homes make the perfect summer hideaway?! They have houses like these allll over the East Coast (where i'm originally from). Too bad I didn't have the appreciation for those houses then like I do now. Oh welp. That's the way it always seems to go... you don't know what you have until you don't have it, right?
Anywho, a few weeks ago, I went for a walk with a friend and spotted the cheeriest Southern looking cottage house with a porch and rocking chairs in the front (kinndaa like the fourth picture). And of course I didn't have my camera with me to take a picture; major womp. I'll probably end up going back looking super sketchy with my camera while taking a picture of a stranger's house haha. Anything for the sake of the photo!
(photos one, two, three, and five by douglas friedman; photo four by jules forrest)