Sort of reminds me of a glamorous mad hatter tea party. (sidenote: yesterday, i learned how the term 'mad hatter' was coined. apparently mercury was required to make hats in the 1800-early 1900s aka when the hat business was flourishing. the people who made the hats would literally go crazy after being exposed to so much mercury. thus came the phrase, 'mad hatter,' and 'we're all mad here,' found in alice in wonderland. isn't that interesting?!)
Love these tights:
Photos by Jessica Klingelfuss: website/flickr.
Tomorrow I am running my first half marathon (13.1 miles or about 21 kilometers) with my mom. Eeeek! I've got major MAJOR butterflies! I waffle between feeling excited and petrified. I know it'll be fine though. But I can honestly say I will be very very happy once it's all over.
Two important P.S.'s:
#1: Thank you so much for your sweet comments about my self portraits yesterday. I'm pretty self conscious in front of the camera, but your comments were so kind and encouraging, so thank you :)
#2: Please upload your I HEART Projects (if you're not familiar with the I HEART project, read about it HERE) to the Flickr group/send them to me once you're done with them. A few of you have said you completed your collages, so please be sure to do that. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: