Here's my outfit. Nothing special-I was going to wear one of my favorite skirts with the lace top, but the trail is so rugged, you absolutely have to be practical with what you wear.
Lace top: Thifted, Buffalo Exchange (from this thrifting trip)
Shorts: Ann Taylor
Sunglasses: Ray Ban
Coach satchel: Vintage, thrifted
We saw a coyote on the trail and I got lots of pictures except I had my camera on the wrong setting the entire time and everything came out really light. alsjdklafklafkjlf so frustrating but maybe next time I go I'll see another one since they're pretty common there.
After our walk, we went to Chinatown (Aubrey too!) to get smoke bombs for the shoot. I cleared out an entire store of their supply of smoke bombs haha. Btw, has anyone used smoke bombs (or smoke balls is what they called them in the store) before? How long does the smoke last? Does it smell bad or anything?
I'm really excited for this photoshoot, I hope it turns out nice and my concepts look good. It's definitely different than my usual style (and the first time I'm working with a full team-makeup artist, hairstylist, etc.) and I'm a bit nervous branching out like this, but hopefully it will go just as well :)
I feel like I should post more pictures, so here's a collection of photos that have caught my eye recently.
click on photos for sources