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Sometimes accidents turn out the best. There's a certain naturalness to them, a certain in-the-moment feel. This photo? Accident. And you would never know...
Last night I watched a whole season of I Love Lucy. It was glorious. It's my new favorite show. I'm tired of what's on TV right now all I do is watch old stuff.
I've started sewing my first skirt and it is coming along quite nicely. I made pockets yesterday. I have to sew a zipper on it today, then add a belt thing.
AND PLEASE NOTE (because this is important!!) The deadline for the I HEART Project is Saturday, July 31st. This means I must receive your package in the mail by July 31st. If you are shipping internationally, take this into consideration as shipping takes longer. If you do not think you can get it to me by then, please contact me personally and we can try to figure something out. Also, some people have told me they never received their package. I sent them all out in January, so please email me and we can work it out-don't worry, you'll still be able to take part in the project! After I get everyone's work, I will reveal the final plans I have for the project :)