This dress is so delightful and dreamy and gah, I love it! Here's a closer look:
Isn't she a beauty?
Okay, so I know I've blogged this picture before, but it is so lovely, it deserves a second go-around!
(click on photos for sources)
I am totally going to do this in my own room! Maybe to fill up the empty space of my incomplete wall collage. And I can change around the dresses I display every so often to freshen up the look without actually having to do much work a;lskjdflaksjasf perfect!!!
I saw this darling little girl's (or maybe it was a doll's...?) lace dress at a thrift store (but one of those, you know, high-end thrift stores so you actually don't end up saving that much money) which was far more money than I'd ever spend at a thrift store, but I think I might cave in and buy it. Or else try my bargaining skills. And maybe, since little girl's dresses are small and don't take up a lot of room, I could start a little girl's dress collage on my wall à la this room (except with more vintage-y, lace-y, sheer things). I'll just have to experiment and see what looks best. What do you have hanging on your walls?