Remember my photos from this post? Well, these are more shots from the same photo shoot.
The last one has had no editing whatsoever. I started to edit it, then realized that it looked better before I put it into Photoshop. But then I feel kind of bad... that the picture's inferior in some sort of way because it hasn't been prettified (can you believe that's a real word?!). Like it's missing something the other photos aren't. But maybe it's a good thing if your photo is good enough to not need Photoshop? Anyway, do you ever feel that way about editing?
ALSO: I am looking for new models to do photo shoots with! So if you live in the San Francisco area or are planning to visit sometime soon and think you are the right look for my style of photography, please email me with a headshot & full length shot of yourself! Or else if you know of someone or have a friend that would be perfect, please email me too!
Anyway, tell me what your favorite(s) are! My favorite is the first one, then sometimes it's the last one, but mainly the first one.