Today was a lazy day. But a really great day. But the kind of day where you sit in front of the computer, never change out of your pajamas, and say "Let them eat cake." I never left the house except to get the mail, which was oh, approximately 20 steps away from my front door. Everything I did was out of self-indulgence. I haven't had a day like that in a long time. And I loved it. I can honestly say it was one of the best days I've ever had. I was able to catch up on all my comments and discover new blogs too. I broke down and made a Twitter account, which I've always considered a convenient way to stalk people. You can follow me on Twitter here or else on my sidebar:
I'll start making actual updates on it once I have followers because if I don't have any followers, it just seems like I'm talking to myself.
I went to Chinatown on Monday, found lots of interesting things, but what do you expect in Chinatown?
Lots of markets:
Lots of stores bursting with little trinkets:
Some people weren't so happy with me taking pictures inside the store:
Let's focus in on that:
I'm sorry, you probably thought I was going to report your illegal shop to the authorities.
I was so pleasantly surprised when I saw a street named Jack Kerouac:
How many times have I been in Chinatown, passed by that street, and not noticed it?
The street I was on:
Cutest little man:
Does anyone know what kind of instrument that is?
Saw the sweetest two girls:
Didn't want to sound like a complete stalker, so I told them the photo was for a street style blog (tee hee). Mildly felt like the Facehunter, which made me happy for the rest of the day. Does anyone know where I can get Doc Martens like that (what color are they because I went to the website and couldn't find it)?
Ran into two segway tours:

Never knew they had segway tours...they look really funny, but kind of fun. I might be a major dork and go on one someday. There were a huge line of 15 or so people riding on the sidewalk.
I have received three lovely awards from Lavelle.

Wow! Three at once! That's pretty exciting!
I'm going to pass this on to a blog I just discovered yesterday while aimlessly surfing the blogosphere.
She has quickly become one of my favorite bloggers and her blog is just absolutely adorable. She's also the first blogger I've known from Estonia.
Two days ago, I received a lovely little package from Michelle:
And in it was the most precious little strawberry cake necklace!
She has the cutest little Etsy shop ever! Makes you feel like you're in a fairy tale land with unicorns frolicking in fields of daisies.
Check it out here.
Also, I've stumbled upon quite a touching little blog. So About What I Said is a quirky blog focused on teaching people that "smart is the new sexy, awkward is the new cool, and flawed is the new beautiful." Written by Melissa, every post has a moral to it, making you see the world a different way and appreciate what you have. Just visit it-it will make you see the world a different way and give you a daily dose of compassion.
Finally, this is the last thing I will say (promise!)
I don't know if you guys have already seen this, but I was mentioned by Jade on Hel Looks when she was asked where she got inspiration. I'm not allowed to post the photo here, as they are copyrighted by Hel Looks, but I'll quote what she said:
"I like girlish and unique clothes. Now I'm wearing a jacket from Ansa vintage store, an Estonian hand-knitted cardigan and second hand hat, shoes and bag. The woollen socks are warm and comfortable.
Fashion blogs like The Drifter and the Gypsy inspire me. I like the blog's dream-like pictures, femininity and sensitiveness."
Jade, I hope you're reading this, because I just wanted to express how grateful I am and how surprised I was after reading your little blurb. Sometimes, blogging gets to seem more like a chore than anything else, but to see that people all around the world are being inspired by me, that's just unimaginable. When I started this blog (less than a year ago), I never in a million years envisioned that this sort of thing would happen.
After I read your shout out, I just couldn't stop smiling.
Thanks Jade!