While on my hiatus, I have gotten numerous tags and awards (And I really think I am missing some, so if I missed your tag or award or something, do tell me. It's nothing against you, I'm just having trouble catching up on comments, awards, tags, etc.)
First off, I have been tagged by Eve to do the answer the questions/delete one question you don't like and add one of your own tag, which I think has circulated around the whole entire blogosphere. I've done this tag at least three times, so if you really want to see my answers that bad, go here.

It's very cute, and I've seen on other people's blogs, so I'm very happy to get it myself!
Thanks guys!
I'll pass this on to...
Awesome style blog, lovely girl.
Just discovered her blog yesterday, but if you want to check it out, just click on her name.
I have also stumbled upon Alex and Ani, an environmentally conscious unique line of jewelry, each handcrafted from recycled materials, by the designer Carolyn Rafaelian. Here are some of my favorites:
The idea sounds pretty cool, so I might splurge and buy some.
But definitely check out the site here.
Speaking of stumbling upon new things, I've stumbled upon Stumble Upon (bad pun intended). Anywhoo...apparently my blog is on there (which I was totally unaware of until like two days ago, maybe you guys knew all along, and I was the one totally oblivious) but I'm so honored that people actually share my blog. It's such an amazing feeling...and I'm so glad people had good things to say about it too: terrie212 said: "Lovely blog (i luv to sleep outside)." and finally...
mushlya said: "That's another beautiful source of inspiration. I become addicted to blogs.... ****:-)"
Awww...thanks so much! You've melted my heart (and I do hope you're reading this)
Shout out to freckledmystery, terrie212, and mushlya! You guys made my day (or should I say evening because it's pretty late here...)
If you want to see the Stumble Upon page I am talking about, go here.
Moving along...as most of you are probably well aware of, Anna Sui is collaborating with Target to make a collection of Gossip Girl inspired outfits due to hit stores September 13th. It's kind of hard for me to believe Anna Sui is getting her inspiration from Gossip Girl-I've never really thought of her as an avid Gossip Girl fan, but, hey, I guess she is. Or maybe she could just like it because of the outfits (like most people). Here are some of the photos that were recently leaked on Lookbook:
Blair Waldorf
Serena van der Woodsen
Jenny Humphrey
Vanessa Abrams
I love all of them, but my current love affair is with the Little Bo Peep-esque one (the first one). And I pretty much love the whole Blair style.
Which one are you craving?
I was so pleasantly surprised last week to get an email from the card company Compendium, the one that I posted about in the last post:
"Someone recently sent us a link to your blog with our Positively Green cards, and our other products on there. I just wanted to say thank you for such a nice mention about our company. We really appreciate it!
I also wanted to tell you that we added you to our list of blogs, too: http://www.live-inspired.com/inspiredcommunity-forum.cfm
Thanks again!
I just wanted to thank whoever it was that emailed them with a link to my blog! Whoever you are, if you're reading this, I'd love to know who you are!
Hmm...I think that's it for now...this was sort of my random, catch-up post.
Have a lovely week!
P.S. Oh and I forgot. How do you guys like the new header? I made it myself...but I've stared at it for so long, I'm not quite sure what to think of it. Maybe it should be longer and cover the entire length of the page? What do you guys think?