I have worn so many masks in my life that quite often,
I find myself forgetting who I really am.
Sometimes I feel life is a game and I play with myself and others.
More than anything, I long to collect all the pieces of my life
and put the puzzle back together again,
but I know it's impossible and
would make my life boring.
I possess a spectrum of personalities because my life has been
interrupted so many times that my experiences are never linear.
They are diverse and disconnected, and, well,
sometimes it makes me sad.
I have a mask for every occasion.
Rarely do I remove it and relax my face.
My words
Photos from Sarah, Valeria, Ta, littlegirlblue, Nerijuskio, and Dusdin
Today is the first day of spring!!!!
Here is a poem by Angela (who no doubt is one of my biggest inspirations)
I just thought it was so fitting for today and describes my mood perfectly.
I am ready for spring,

I am ready for tiny light dresses made out of chiffon.

I am ready for jean shorts and daisy chains in my hair.

I am ready to sit outside with bare feet with my friends.

I am ready for hot days and warm nights and sleeping with only the sheets on the bed.
I am ready for sunglasses and freckled noses.

I am ready for bare legs and swimsuit tops.

I am ready for sunshine and warm breeze.

I am ready for laying in tall grass and looking at the stars.
I am ready for midnight swims and gin and tonics at 3am.
I am ready for music and dust and camp outs.
I am ready for summer.
My current spring love affairs are with:
these white rimmed Ray Ban wayfarers seen on MK Olsen.
this dress from modcloth.com
What are YOUR spring wishes?