
a charm invests a face.

A charm invests a face
Imperfectly beheld.
The lady dare not lift her veil
For fear it be dispelled.
But peers beyond her mesh,
And wishes and denies,
'Lest interview annul a want
That image satisfies.

A Charm Invests a Face by Emily Dickinson
Photos from here and here.

Sorry for the short-ish post. I've been crazily busy away at a pile of work I have to get done in the next week or so, so as I said before, don't expect a lot of post-age.

I'm currently in a love affair with this trailer for Revolutionary Road. I haven't seen the movie, although it looks so lovely and well done. It's the first time Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are in a movie together since Titanic, so it sounds pretty epic. Anyone seen it yet? Loved it? Hated it? Thought it was okay? Post your opinions in a comment. I'd love to hear your viewpoints on the movie.

Also, there has been quite a bit of confusion of what exactly the Google ads are. They are in a gray-ish box located on the side bar somewhere amongst the plethora of pictures. They're not too hard to find...I think...Again, if you have problems, just leave a comment and I will try to direct you further.

Hmmm...I think that wraps it up for today!
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