
masters in china.

You've always been bashful; you're just that way,

But your eyes are like billboards, they give you away.
Your mouth is a trumpet somebody else plays.
Long after the notes gone the tone usually stays.
And your chest's a fine pillow with lining of feather.
Your hair is a family who's strands stick together.
Your fingers are keys from the grandest piano,
Played by a mind that the lord only knows.
The tongue of an angel floats in red wine saliva.
Your teeth are out of porcelain made by masters in China.
Your face can't be captured by pictures or words.
And your voice is a music that I never heard.
And your skin is a cream dipped out beyond measure.
Your nose is a peak never touched by the weather.
Your fingers are keys from the grandest piano,
Played by a soul that the lord only knows.
Photos from Jess's Blog, Wild Keiki, one of my personal favorites because it is so enchanting to look at.
The words are lyrics from the lovely song Masters in China by Priscilla Ahn

Also, I've been tagged by Autumnrose and Nicola from Inside the Cabinet of Wonder
So apparently the rules are:
1. Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures.
2. Pick the 4th picture in that folder.
3. Explain that picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same!
This is a picture of my adorable dog Aubrey! She is so funny. I think this picture speaks for itself.

I will now tag:

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