
come back.

I'm sorry for what
I've done to you,
For what
I've put you through

Will you please
Forgive me?

You think it's over,
But for me, it's not.
I still love you,
But do you?

All our memories,
And loneliness,

I beg you,
Please come back.

I never meant what I did,
And now,
I miss you
A lot.

It's not over,
We can still go
Back to it being the same,
If you give me a chance.

Sure, we can't change the past,
But we can make the future

I'm sorry if you're disappointed
In me,
But I'm only human,
And I make mistakes.

I've cried
For you,
And laughed for you,
And changed for you,
But now I'm alone,
Because of you.

Without you,
I'm nothing,
Just sad and alone.

If I die
What would you do?
Would you even care,
Or live the rest of your life a lie,
Just pretending nothing happened?

You're my world
And I'm not sure
If I'll ever be okay.

I never realized the sacrifices
You had to make
For me,
And I'm sorry for being
So ignorant.

I love you,
I hate you.

I only care about being with you,

Is a nightmare
In this empty life of mine.

You removed my worries,
Made me invincible,
But now you've broken me,
Leaving the pieces for me
To pick up.

I'm alone,
Waiting for you to come back,
And put together my broken pieces.

Please don't abandon me

You know I love you,
You can feel my pain,
But don't make that the very reason
You are running away.

Come back.

I think this may be my most lovely post yet...

Photos from here.
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