So yesterday I got bangs. I hemmed and hawed all week about getting bangs (fringe, if you will), but in the end I decided to stop being chicken and just go for it (hair does grow back, after all). I'm really pleased with how they came out, even if it does feel like a bird is sitting on my forehead. When you think about it, bangs are a pretty ingenious invention. I'm surprised no one else really talks about how ingenious they actually are. Got a blemish on your forehead? Bam, bangs to the rescue! Eyebrows need waxing? Just brush your bangs so they cover your eyebrows! I'm still trying to get used to looking at myself in the mirror, but I think I will quite enjoy life with bangs :)
Oswald Smith já dizia que “a morte de Jesus é tão essencial para a fé cristã que se você pregar a Bíblia, mas não chegar na cruz, você ainda.
New hairs.
So yesterday I got bangs. I hemmed and hawed all week about getting bangs (fringe, if you will), but in the end I decided to stop being chicken and just go for it (hair does grow back, after all). I'm really pleased with how they came out, even if it does feel like a bird is sitting on my forehead. When you think about it, bangs are a pretty ingenious invention. I'm surprised no one else really talks about how ingenious they actually are. Got a blemish on your forehead? Bam, bangs to the rescue! Eyebrows need waxing? Just brush your bangs so they cover your eyebrows! I'm still trying to get used to looking at myself in the mirror, but I think I will quite enjoy life with bangs :)