As some of my long-time readers may remember, last year I started an inspiration project called I HEART. The goal of the project was for each participant to fill a double page spread collage with things they love (err... heart). I mailed two pieces of paper to everyone who signed up and after each person completed their double page spread, they mailed their collages back to me. Now it's time for Part Two! For those who didn't know about the project and those who signed up for Part One but couldn't get your pages mailed to me before the deadline, Part Two is for you. The rules are the same as in Part One. In the end, I will compile everyone's work (with credits) into an online book that everyone can view (Parts One and Two will be combined to make one huge book).
If you are interested in being a part of this project, please comment below (or email me!) providing me with your name and city/country so that I can put the together a list. (please note: if you participated in Part One, you cannot sign up again).
PS. To see what some people did last year, check out the I HEART Project Flickr Pool.
(photo by me)