
GIVEAWAY: Alternative Apparel - CLOSED

GIVEAWAY:  Alternative Apparel
A while back, Jarod of Alternative Apparel contacted me about their Holiday 2010 Collection. To be honest, I never paid much attention to Alternative Apparel, not because I didn't like their stuff or anything - it just wasn't on my radar. But I am very glad they contacted me because I do have to say I really, really love their new collection.

"We photographed the Holiday 2010 Collection at The Alexandria, a historic landmark in downtown L.A. It seemed like the perfect location to complement the vintage-inspired look of the clothes. The collection was designed to evoke a bit of nostalgia for holidays past. Each piece was inspired by that feeling of unparalleled warmth and comfort that we associate with the holiday season."

Celebrating the launch of their Holiday 2010 Collection, Alternative Apparel is giving away a $100 gift card for the winner to treat himself/herself (or a friend!) to a few goodies from the Holiday 2010 Collection.

  • Leave a comment on this post.
  • Get an extra entry if you tweet about the giveaway or mention it on your blog. Be sure to leave a 2nd comment saying you tweeted and/or featured it on your blog. (note: if you featured this giveaway on your blog AND tweeted, you get ONE comment for the tweet and ONE comment for the blog feature, making it a total of TWO extra ways to win.)

  • **Open to all readers, international included**

    I will draw a winner Thursday, October 21st via random.org.

    PS. Even though the winner can choose whatever he or she would like from the Holiday 2010 collection, the items chosen depend on product availability. Many of these styles will not get replenished once they’re sold out, so they are on a first come first served basis.

    (tape strips via pugly pixel)


    Winner is comment #184: Keira of The Diary of a Compulsive Collector. Congrats! Please email me your postal address and I will forward the information to Alternative Apparel :)
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