
The Jazz Age Lawn Party

I don't usually blog about things like this, but I thought this was such a stinkin' neat idea, it deserved to be shared on here :)
The Jazz Age Lawn Party
The Jazz Age Lawn Party is a bi-annual affair in New York. Next week is the next party and I so wish I could attend, but alas. (for times and more info, click here).

"Under a shady grove of centuries-old trees, caressed by fresh sea air, a sprawling green surrounded by historic officers’ quarters and 18th century naval ramparts becomes the setting for a true Gatsby affair."
The Jazz Age Lawn Party
The Jazz Age Lawn Party
The Jazz Age Lawn Party
The Jazz Age Lawn Party
The Jazz Age Lawn Party
The Jazz Age Lawn Party
The Jazz Age Lawn Party
The Jazz Age Lawn Party
The Jazz Age Lawn Party

(photos by martin lenclos, holly van voast, leslie gwinn, video by andrew yamato, and words by michael arenella)

I am officially in love with this decade :) Wouldn't it be neat if everyone dressed like that?!
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