Andrea is really sweet and such a darling! Ooohh, I do love the online blogging community-everyone is so lovely! Isn't it crazy the number of creative people you are in touch with through the interwebs?! I can honestly say I have more online friends than real-life friends!
We met up in San Francisco and walked around Fisherman's Wharf. It was the perfect day for walking around the pier, just gorgeous outside. We poked around the touristy shops for a bit and found a sock shop! It had pretty much every type of socks and tights imaginable. Andrea got really cute socks with lace trim.
We both loved this carousel.
The sea lions were out and about today. If you really study them, you find they have distinctive personalities. There was one really vocal sea lion (Andrea said he reminded her of a drunk uncle at a dinner party!) and two sea lions that were playing (so cute!).
Really pretty window display from some jewelry store, I forget the name. Maybe I should try a paper crane garland in my room? Hmm...
Andrea and her hubby are moving to the Austin, Texas from New Zealand somewhat soonish, so I hope to meet up some more in the future.
What have you been up to this weekend?
P.S. Thank you, Katrina of Pugly Pixel for the free tape clip art :)