I was going to do the "Read More" option, but I couldn't figure it out :(
Comment if you know how!
1. What do you most love about yourself?
2. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
Well…I don’t watch TV that much, but I guess if I had to choose, I Love Lucy because nothing ever goes horribly bad.
3. What do you believe?
I believe that people should dream more, hope more, and care more.
4. What inspires you?
Blogging and reading other blogs, words, fashion, colors, movies, books, nature, photography, and pretty things.
5. Hey :)
I would just love to know how you managed to promote your blog and end up with so many followers? You have done such a great job! I really admire you.
Well…the number one thing to do when you first start a blog is comment, comment, comment on other blogs! There is no way around it, that is the best thing to promote yourself. You have to seek traffic. Let other people know who you are, build relationships with other bloggers. When I first started out blogging, I had 140-ish blogs in my blog roll and I commented on those blogs every couple of days which turned out to be very beneficial to me. My approach was a little extreme! If you want to attract traffic to your blog, immerse yourself into the blogging community, there’s plenty of room for everyone! And also, with time, you’ll also gain followers as they wander over to your site through someone else’s site. Hope this helps! Blogging is hard, hard work! There’s a lot of time, sweat, and effort put forth into producing one single blog. And thanks for the compliment :)
6. Hello, I was wondering: if your life was a story what would the title be?
Oh gosh, I can’t come up with anything non-cheesy! The story would be somewhat boring as I haven’t had to overcome immense tragedy or anything very dramatic! I don’t know…maybe The Girl Who Thought Too Much? This is so hard!
7. I want to see a picture of YOU! What do you look like?
Well here are a couple pictures of me:
I’m a student, so I have homework to do when I’m not blogging. I look at other blogs on the internet for pretty things…I looove to waste a couple of hours on lookbook.nu and seeing people’s personal styles. I read (I’m currently reading Persuasion), I run (currently training for half marathon), play golf, take my dog Aubrey (who can be seen here) for a walk, sometimes write in my journal (although I’m not very disciplined and so sometimes I let a couple of weeks go by without me writing anything), take pictures, practice violin and piano, and go shopping. And SO MUCH MORE! But you get the general idea :)
9. Where you get all of your amazing photos? I know that they’re all sourced, but where did you hear about all these sites and people? When do find time to look through all these?
I look through weheartit, recordis photography, peoples’ tumblrs, other blogs, etc. Also, if I find a photographer I really like, I tend to follow his/her work and post new stuff from them that I like (It’s okay to use pictures from a specific photographer in more than one post!). Sometimes, I go on photo searching marathons and spend hours creating all these new posts with different photography/art/fashion I like until my eyes glaze over (not much of a system)! This way, I already have around 10-ish or so new posts started so that when I’m short on time/stuck on what to post about, I look through what posts I saved as drafts/started before for ideas. And in the future, I'm hoping to post more of my own photography :)
10. Where do you get all your pictures from? Do you store them on your computer?
Please refer to the previous answer for the first question. And yes, I store all of my images on my computer, then upload them to my flickr.
11. I appreciate you! You’ve been given an honorable mention on my blog. :) See what I have made for you!
Aw thanks :D
12. What would you say is the one most important thing in life to you?
Strength/hope/determination in a person.
13. What is your best memory from your childhood?
When I was 4, my family got a Golden Retriever. I was allowed to pick a name for her and I chose Genevieve, the name of the dog in the movie Madeline (which was my favorite movie back then).
14. Who or what person (dead or living) has made the strongest impression on you/your life & why?
My mom, because she’s the one I have spent most of my life with. She’s my best friend and as a result, has an extreme influence on my decisions/choices in life.
15. Name one place you haven’t been yet but would love to go.
Oh gosh, I’d love to go to SO MANY places! I’d looove to travel around Europe someday. I’ve only been to Austria and Germany. I’d also love to visit Paris, Britain, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Portugal, Australia, South Africa, Argentina, Chile, and the list goes on and on…
16. When its all said & done what do you hope to accomplish/gain from your time here on this little planet we call Earth & what would be your advice to a someone just starting their journey?
This quote from Marilyn Monroe pretty much sums it all up: “I am not interested in money. I just want to be wonderful.” I want to make somewhat of a difference in the world for the better. At the end of the day, I always ask myself, did I somehow help/improve someone’s day? It could be just a simple smile, a ‘How are you?’, helping someone carry their groceries to the car, whatever, I just want to end my day with the satisfaction of brightening someone else’s. My advice to someone just starting their journey is don’t be afraid of taking risks. All brilliant people have failed many more times than they have had successes. If you haven’t failed recently, you haven’t tried.
Aw thanks :D
12. What would you say is the one most important thing in life to you?
Strength/hope/determination in a person.
13. What is your best memory from your childhood?
When I was 4, my family got a Golden Retriever. I was allowed to pick a name for her and I chose Genevieve, the name of the dog in the movie Madeline (which was my favorite movie back then).
14. Who or what person (dead or living) has made the strongest impression on you/your life & why?
My mom, because she’s the one I have spent most of my life with. She’s my best friend and as a result, has an extreme influence on my decisions/choices in life.
15. Name one place you haven’t been yet but would love to go.
Oh gosh, I’d love to go to SO MANY places! I’d looove to travel around Europe someday. I’ve only been to Austria and Germany. I’d also love to visit Paris, Britain, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Portugal, Australia, South Africa, Argentina, Chile, and the list goes on and on…
16. When its all said & done what do you hope to accomplish/gain from your time here on this little planet we call Earth & what would be your advice to a someone just starting their journey?
This quote from Marilyn Monroe pretty much sums it all up: “I am not interested in money. I just want to be wonderful.” I want to make somewhat of a difference in the world for the better. At the end of the day, I always ask myself, did I somehow help/improve someone’s day? It could be just a simple smile, a ‘How are you?’, helping someone carry their groceries to the car, whatever, I just want to end my day with the satisfaction of brightening someone else’s. My advice to someone just starting their journey is don’t be afraid of taking risks. All brilliant people have failed many more times than they have had successes. If you haven’t failed recently, you haven’t tried.
17. Once you said: “..It’s probably in my top 10 favorite quotes ever.” Can you tell me some of your favorite quotes ever? :)
Ohhhweee yes, I remember. That was this post here.Here are a few of my favorite quotes:
1. “Sometimes there’s so much beauty in the world I feel like I can’t take it, like my heart’s going to cave in.”-American Beauty
2. “I am not interested in money. I just want to be wonderful.”-Marilyn Monroe
3. ”It’s never too late to become what you might have been.” -Away from Her
4. ”My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that.” -Alice in Wonderland
5. ”The only people for me are the mad one, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars…”-Jack Kerouac
6. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” Marianne Williamson
18. Hi! I live in England and I’m an art student.Your blog is always inspiring me, I sometimes get lost in it for way too long! So I just wanted you to know that you are really appreciated! xxx
Thank you for your kind words :)
Originally, I had in mind to write a book and I started a blog (not the one I have now) to write and then get feedback on it. Then I deleted it because no one read it (little did I know you had to seek traffic-comment on other blogs, promote yourself, etc.)! Then I didn't blog for a couple of months until I stumbled upon some inspiration blogs and fell in love. And said to myself, 'Hey, I can totally do something like that.' And now here I am! My blog is now a little over a year old.
20. How do you feel like your blog has changed?
20. How do you feel like your blog has changed?
My blogging style has completely evolved from when I first started! Sometimes, when I browse through the archives, it feels like I'm reading a completely different blog. I used to write extremely loooong posts (seriously, they would take HOURS!) and only blogged about once or twice a week. Now I hardly ever write in my posts. I guess I don't want to distract people from the pictures. Plus, it takes me forever just to write two sentences. I don't know why, I can never find the right words.
21. Where do you see your blog going from here?
Hmm...this one is tough! I just want to promote my blog around the blogosphere as much as possible at this point. I see other blogs that have so many readers and so much support. And from there, I'll just see where the wind takes me ;)
22. You said your first shoot was in November. Are your images available anywhere to be viewed?
YES! Well...they will be! I'm opening up a photography shop and I'm hoping it'll be open for business in a week or two :) I'm so excited! One of the pictures (maybe my favorite) from my first shoot in November is this one:
Annd by photo shoot I don't mean to imply I was working with a professional team of stylists, make-up artists, and all that! I just mean I finally had people to dress up and take pictures of!
23. What camera do you use to take photos? :)
I shoot with a Sony Alpha 200 DSLR, 18-70mm f/3.5-5.6 lens. Nothing fancy by all means...
24. If your life were made into a movie, which actress would play you?
I don't pay too much attention to actors/actresses these days. I loooove Zooey Deschanel, so I'm going to say her although I'm not as perky in real life!
French! It's so beautiful. I'd love to go to Paris one day :)
26. Other than photography/fashion and blogging, what are your favorite hobbies?
26. Other than photography/fashion and blogging, what are your favorite hobbies?
Reading, violin, piano, running.
27. Dead or alive, famous or not - whom would you most like to meet?
I can't narrow it down to one, so I'll say Audrey Hepburn and Zooey Deschanel.
If you were a color, which would you be?
A very light, pale blue.
28. Do you prefer to wear pants or skirts?
29. If you had any, what were/are your New Year's resolutions? Have you kept them so far?
I don't do New Year's resolutions-I set goals whenever I feel like it! Two of which are to be a better vintage shopper and dress more lookbook-worthy.
30. Describe your dream house or home.
Small quaint apartment in the city. Filled with Anthropologie and vintage/thrifted décor. Very simple but beautiful. Possibly lots of floral. White walls with photo frame collages.
31. What is your dream job?
Professional blogger or else a picture editor or photographer for Lula Magazine, Frankie Magazine, Anthropologie, or Urban Outfitters. (Psst: If any of you guys reading this are from Lula, Frankie, Anthro, UO, or any other boutique/magazine, email me!)
32. Do you have any siblings?
Nope. Only child and to be truthful, I love it.
33. What is the best present that you ever got?
My friend let me photograph her two little girls in a photo shoot and puts up with me when I want to do more photo shoots with them!
34. What is your favorite smell?
Fresh laundry.
35. If you absolutely had to choose - would you rather be blind or deaf?
Deaf. I love looking at beautiful things too much. Plus, I wouldn't be able to blog! Or know how I look either.
Well, that's all for now folks :)