It is not that we should try for flawlessness, but that we try.
Always forgive, because the human spirit is easily splintered by grudges.
Speak tenderly, lovingly.
Allow the fluency of routine be interrupted, at times, by impulsiveness.
And pray, never clip that wings of hope, for with them, you can rise above despair.
Life is far less in memory, and spirit, though if we do not stop and savor in all that is tender and warmhearted: The intimacy of a kiss, of breathless desire.
The winded laughter of friends, echoing into long emptied coffee mugs and lamp lit rooms.
The vivacious feeling, of an affectionate embrace.
The stretching smile of unadulterated delight, from someone dear, someone cherished.
We live, and this world we live in is satiated in splendor, in daily miracles of magnificence, only waiting for one to lift the blinders of materialism and observe: The silken yawn of dawn and dusk.
Sun beams fragmented, like a kaleidoscope, by leafy tree tops.

The scent of the earth after a summer rain.

The sea, with all its elegance and vigor.

Misty mornings, blades of grass crowned with dew.

Fireflies winking in the melodious twilight of summer.
The serenity of earth laden with the pale powder of snow.
The tiny pin-pricks of stars in the ebony mantle of sky.
And then there is, the sacred rhythms of your heartbeat, the delicate whistle of your own breath.
The intricate, mystifying ways in which the human body survives.
That we are here, that we are alive...
Pictures from here
Words from the beautiful Susanna-Cole
I have been tagged by the adorable Ella to write 6 things that make me happy:
1. Getting compliments
2. Laughing with friends
3. Pleasant surprises
4. Dreaming
5. People watching
6. Finding someone who knows someone who has a friend who is either related or friends with you. Ex: "Oh I didn't know you know Sam who knows Charlie who knows Lizzie who's friends with Sara! Sara's my cousin!" (isn't our world an English village?)
I tag:
Also, I just added those ugly looking google ads to my blog. I finally thought I'd give it a try since apparently you can rake it a good amount of money. So if you, my dears would be ever so kind to click on them every once and a while, it would help me out so much! Thanks, you guys!